Teen Aging Published


Teen Aging by Lawrence Lee Lane

Dallas, Texas - July 4, 2019 - Perhaps the most recognized narrative in everyone’s lives, the teenage years are often portrayed as an era to overcome and an awkward experience spent rebelling against the world around us. 

This book introduces us to a different story, one of hope and opportunity, a relevant, creative, and empowering depiction of coming of age in an otherwise time of uncertainty. 

Teen Aging offers a model of health, beauty, and independence through the voice of an experienced guide, sharing a method for creating a successful aging process during an influential period of life in a thoughtful and accessible way.

The Five Ideas: The first idea is that exercise is essential. The second idea is that neuromuscular is human freedom. The third idea is that technique manifests quality. The fourth idea is that we choose expectations. The fifth idea is that we choose to learn and practice exercise skills.