Study Atrophy

Humans are term life.

Biology, Psychology, Anatomy, Physiology

The timeline is graphically carved in stone.

Atrophy closely follows sexual maturity.

The majority of our time is in decline.


We choose to study and practice

Developmental Exercise Physiology

Strength Development to negate all eventual weaknesses.

Endurance Development to maintain all systems go.

And Flexibility to avoid stiffness and lethargy.


Who is smart enough to figure this out?

Neuromuscular Institute

Motor skill is brain to muscle communication.

The exercises are basic motor skills.

Techniques are fine motor variations.

The better you do them...

The better they work.


Motor skill is muscular control.

Without control our joints wear out.

With control we can move in the muscle.

Muscle is designed to absorb our weight.


Lack of muscle is atrophy.

Lack of control is brain atrophy.

For the love of anatomy and physiology...

Develop Neuromuscular.

Musculoskeletal Foundation

Form an organization of muscle and bone.

Donate strength exercises for development.

Assume the directorship of human resources.

And fire the board of directors.


Make a proper evaluation of the assets.

Be responsible for finance and operations.

Conduct planning and marketing freely.

And attend no meetings.


Live the life of privilege.

Live the life of luxury.

Amid all causes,

Save Yourself.

Lazy Butt

Laziness is an instinct.

Work is a learning experience.

Weakness is a problem.

Strength is a solution.


Mental reality is defined by fitness.

Capacity characterizes viewpoints.

Self-efficacy is purely physical.

And avoidance is married to weakness.


Self-reliance is a condition.

Survival is a timeline.

Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal are the subjects.

Forget algebra.

Business Plan

Raising a body is a business.

Being human is an enterprise.

Growth is the obvious direction.

Physical condition is relevancy.


Invest in physical development.

The exercises are the only exams.

Graduate to a disciplined study of technique.

Lessons of mastery will be revealed in practice.


Presence is how they will know you.

Your body is quite an impression.

Agility is the freedom you enjoy.

And success is physical.

Three Parts

Physical development is not a mystery.

Nor can it be found in one mode of exercise.

Strength training builds a great body.

The exercises are based on basic muscular functions.

Strength workouts are weekly forever.


Endurance training is essential.

Increased blood flow delivers everything to cells.

Energy transport to vital tissue is mandatory.

The exercises are based on single stride or stroke mechanics.

Heart and lung workouts are weekly forever.


Flexibility is earned daily.

Suppleness is the highest physical state.

Freedom of movement is mobility.

Static stretches are exercise.

Stretching is a daily habit.

Higher Education

Fitness equals functional capacity.

Anatomy is developmental.

Physiology is developmental.


The exercise stimulus is regenerative.

Through resistance comes sturdy anatomy.

Through vigorous blood flow comes health.


Adaption and accommodation are physical.

Learning includes anatomy and physiology.

The best and the brightest are super fit.

Train Hard

The idea of training hard is a beginner’s assumption.

And as we persist and grow in knowledge and experience,

we naturally cherish our founding assumptions.

But hard connotes a personal physical struggle,

and many people have tried that for years.

If it is easy, then it is wrong.

The program turns against your body.

The end result is physical breakdown.

Misuse terminates just like disuse.

A lifetime of fitness is gone.

The right amount is the holy grail.

The idea of training well is superior.